Garrett Murphy---writer

Yang But Yin
Other Books
None Dare Call it Making Sense in An American Lesson
Call 9-1-1 (and Mister Punch)
Poetic and Other Artistic Forum/Upcoming Feature Readings
The Prez Who Swatted a Fly
8 Book
I, Eye!
You Can't Be a Hero in Your Dreams
Mother Nature Has Become a Terrorist!
Up in the Attic As of Many Years Later: A Prose Piece

None Dare Call it Making Sense in An American Lesson (CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE)

is my landmark first chapbook of poetry and prose, exploring topics as diverse as strip malls, school uniforms, Ebonics, politicians, "icons," and others.  17 poems, 2 short stories.  Dreamsmith Ink, Richmond, CA, 2001.


CONTENTS:  Shaka Sankofa Do Not Hang Down Your Head, Where Are You Now!, Why David Cronenberg is Full of a Certain C-Word, ...And You Still Call Yourself a Victim (?), The Black Black Sheep, Welcome to the Club, In Uniforms We Trust, Forgive Me if I Don't Rejoice, Marybel After the Genocide, Iggy's Monkey Ward, Spree is No(t) Freedom Fighter, Junk Mail Be Not Proud, The Oppressor Rule Book, None Dare Call it Making Sense, Oath of the Emmett Till Johnny-Come-Lately Avenging Angel Society (E.T.J.C.L.A.A.S.), They Sure Be Touchy (Ebonics), An American Lesson, Giant Shoeboxes and Strip Malls 
ISBN 978-0-9716879




Perhaps this is the sign of the times,

At least that’s what some would call it.

Folks seem to love these two types these days,

The giant shoeboxes and strip malls they are.


Certainly our ever-reliable politicos

Eager to curry favor with developers,

Show the elaborate designs and blueprints.

Would that the buildings were just as detailed.


Have you ever had the feeling

When you look at those new buildings,

That you’re viewing some giant’s shoebox?

Note the brim of the roof,

The length by width of the place,

And you swear you could separate the two.

And as to the strip malls some seem to prefer,

Are you sure you know where you are?

For they all resemble each other

Same look, same colors, same chains

Same all

You’d think locals would at least demand

An individual touch or two.


Do we really want to be the same?

Some conspiracy’s apparently afoot.


But alas folks, “leaders” and developers

Seem to like the encroaching monotony

In danger of turning our communities

Into possible cures for insomnia.

I mean if they want so bad to see some shoebox

Could they not simply visit a shoe store?


But of course that’d likely mean

they’d have to step outside that other s-word

(namely, the soundwall)…



…and into the real world.


© 2001 Garrett Murphy



Welcome, dear good people,




and welcome once more

to the Back-To-School Fashion Show

of Monotony Elementary School.

We promise


                                dear audience,

a great big extravaganza

with a brand spanking-new twist!

An extravaganza that'll rip

the skin right off your hide

with its remarkable display

of dedication to the cause of unity

and unyielding fealty to all High Authorities

and every Exalted Authoritarian.


First up we have young Johnny Kip,

attired in a plaid school uniform

of black gray and white

with freshly shined police department

patent leather shoes

plus white shirt, a black tie with

cube-shaped stickpin

and military cuff links on each sleeve.

And did you get that pout!

That stone cold military pout

unyielding and undaunted.

What a fine example he's setting

for all you young fellows.

Let's have a round of applause

for Johnny Kip!


Next we have Mary Sue.

Oh look at our sweet little Mary Sue,

dressed in a plaid school uniform

of black gray and white

plus white shirt, with gray ascot

bow-tied around the neck

and skirt of black gray and white plaid

to retard tomboyfoolery and provide

winter air conditioning

Gray socks

and black-on-white saddle shoes.

Look at the shine on her face,

looks like it's still being applied

right now.

Remember dear girls

just how much of an example

our little Mary Sue has set for you.

Let's hear it for our own Mary Sue!

(And please refrain from paying any

attention to the violent sounds of

paddling that are about to be heard.)


Now here are Mr. and Mrs. Stern with

the Monotony School Scouts.

Just look at them!

Not one wrinkle on a single uniform!

Not one hint of a grin on their faces!

Not one hand or foot misplaced so much

as an inch!

And those matching bullwhips Mr. and Mrs.

Stern are holding.

Mighty impressive bullwhips;

they tell me the handles are pearl- and


My! such dedication to the

sanctity of conformity.

Oh! they're signaling that

they're ready to proceed.

Very well, folks---

Hit it!
























Was that great

or was that great!

Those scouts whipped well into shape

in perfect order and solidarity!

And what flavor those whips added!

Oh how serious they all looked.

How indicative of Herculean

effort and grit.

Let's hear it for Mr. and Mrs. Stern!

That's it, good show!


Well, that's all for now, folks

but be sure to join us next time

for a multitude of goodies

in our next attraction!

For now, though,

good night,

                good unity,

                                and good obedience

to all you little absorbers!


(Let's be careful out there,

it's still not safe at all

and they oh SO promised too darnit!

And can we


mop up these

puddles of blood

and tears?

Geez someone might think

we're pushing them

too hard.)

(C) 1995 Garrett Murphy