Garrett Murphy---writer

Yang But Yin
Other Books
None Dare Call it Making Sense in An American Lesson
Call 9-1-1 (and Mister Punch)
Poetic and Other Artistic Forum/Upcoming Feature Readings
The Prez Who Swatted a Fly
8 Book
I, Eye!
You Can't Be a Hero in Your Dreams
Mother Nature Has Become a Terrorist!
Up in the Attic As of Many Years Later: A Prose Piece

Poetic and Other Artistic Forum
(a focus on Current Topics...)




Faster than a sideshow speedster!

Mightier than the gorillas of ten zoos!

More fearsome than Jason or Leatherface!

It can only be---


Yes, Blackhoodlum,

Strange intruder from a jungle land

Who lurked into our great land

With intentions to menace all good people

And loaf around to take their hard-earned comforts.


Who can alter the population of your exclusive lands,

Wreck lives, the peace and nerves in one fell swoop,

And even disguised as Trayvon Martin,

Born juvenile delinquent supposedly “going home,”

Is still an invincible, overpowering deadly menace

Deserving to be removed from existence like all the rest,

that is,

according to the Neanderthal “mind” of the rabid George Zimmernan,

would-be duper of any metro or rural newspaper and legal “authority,”

whose delusional storytelling talents

are clearly not fit for the pulpest of fiction

by any great or even marginally good publisher of such fairy tales

in the American or any other way.


 © 2012 Garrett Murphy

Upcoming Feature Readings
by Garrett Murphy

No scheduled features as yet, but---

Watch this space for more events...

Here's one for that ole Christmas Spirit!...



“Megyn Megyn Megyn, you are just so wrong.  You have been infected with an affliction common to perpetrators, oppressors, and many others who benefited too much from an idea that was archaic before it was new.  You do not believe except in your own hubris.  You think in your corrupt little world that no one who is not of the same culture as yourself can be or have possibly produced anyone or anything of consequence, importance or note.  But all cultures, Megyn, be they the same as or different from yours, are of consequence, importance and note.  In this unique miracle called life itself, each is but a fraction of the whole of the phenomenon; in short, no one culture can claim to be all. 

“Yes, Megyn, there can be and are many types of Santa Clauses.  Be they man or woman or otherwise, Santa exists as much as the concepts of gods, goddesses, deities, and more, in service of generosity, devotion, and the most powerful force of all---love (and by extension, self-love); such is the basis and foundation for beauty and joy in one’s soul.  Alas, how dreary it would be to be informed with impunity that you and your own are of no consequence, importance or note.  As horrific as being informed that one is consisted of “flawed genes” or that one is somehow foreign simply because one is not of a nation’s ‘dominant culture.’  Familiar is it not, Megyn, only from the other side for a change?

“Only one Santa Claus!  Might as well believe there is only one legitimate language, religion, hue, creed or family type!  (But then you and yours tend to think that anyway.)  You might get your colleagues from the bogus pack of foxes or treacle party to try to pry into everyone’s psyche to inquire if they believe such folderol, that your definition of Santa Claus is the only true one.  But even if most or even all of those you ask said yes, what would that prove? If you look closely enough, you would find that even among those of the same group or ‘dominant culture,’ that there are quite a few differences in their interpretations of Santa Claus, practically as many as the number of persons you ask.

“You may try to pound into the head of a child of color the delusion that Santa Claus can only be perceived by the standards of your culture, just as for years men have tried to pound into the heads of women that they are of the inferior sex, but not even the strongest or most forceful coercion into self-hatred can completely eliminate the need to feel of importance, of note, and of consequence.  And that is to say nothing of the most powerful force of all---love (and by extension, self-love and self-pride).  Ah, Megyn, all your efforts to shape the imagination of self into your most narrow mold are foredoomed to failure. 

“Only one Santa Claus!  How absurd!  As long as one can perceive a Santa Claus, there will be Santas of all types---black Santas, white Santas, red, yellow, brown, and all others, men, women, children, fat, thin, tall, short, bearded or not, and quite likely even a few with Chicken Pox!  Years from now, Megyn, and beyond that as well, Santa Claus will continue to be interpreted in all the many descriptions possible, by this or by any and all other names.  Which, poor Megyn, is truly a holiday miracle.”


 © 2013 Garrett Murphy





Blue Angels

(the military kind)

are scheduled to return.

They soar up;

hearts sink down

in non-peaceful dump.


© 2013 Garrett Murphy