The establishment and madmen
Were beside themselves,
For one of their best-known
And reliable suppliers
Has fallen into the hands
And populist control
Of a little brown man. (1)
Never was that done there!
“Now what should we do
to this little brown man?
That’s it!” they say.
“Say he’s just a crackpot!”
And so they all try
this approach on the folk.
But the folk didn’t buy it
And were not loath to reply:
“That’s what your Miami kin
tried with the elder brown man; (2)
and your dom pass(3) in Azania(4)
‘bout the elder black man.” (5)
And they laughed and jeered
At the notion’s absurdity.
The establishment and madmen
Could only slink away.
“Now what must be done
‘bout the little brown man?
Ah yes! The ole coup d’etat.
Hey, it worked on the first 9-1-1!”(6)
And so they pulled coup d’etat
On the little brown man.
This land is OUR land!”
But Establishment and madmen
Had whooped and howled too soon,
For in barely two days
That coup was done couped.
“Now what can we do
with that little brown man?”
they wail in desperation.
“Oh yes! This HAS to work!”
So they cut off the imports
And call for a strike,
And insist the little brown man
Call early elections.
But the little brown man
Stands firm and unmoved.
For the people are with him
And, so is the law!
And meanwhile, just south
Of all the ado,
Another brown man (7)
Takes charge of a bigger land.
So the little brown man
Meets the new brown man,
And the elder brown man,
And declares an Axis of GOOD!
The establishment and madmen
Nearly tear their hair out.
“Next they’ll go and ally
with the elder black man!
“Oh what more CAN be done
with the little brown man?”
They look to see what’s left
In their bag of tricks
Which by now no longer pretends
To be half-full
Even with the back
Of the red white and blue bull,
They may have to emulate
Their Miami and Azania kin.
© 2003 Garrett Murphy
(1) Little Brown Man---Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela (1998-)
(2) Elder Brown Man---Fidel Castro, Prime Minister of Cuba (1959-)
(3) “Dom Pass” --- Afrikaner term of resentment (“stupid passbook”) of the
passbook system formerly utilized in apartheid South Africa.
(4) Azania---Black African name for South Africa.
(5) Elder Black
Man---Nelson Mandela, South African leader and President (1994-98)
(6) The first 9-1-1---referring to September 11, 1973, when the elected government of Chilean President Salvador
Allende was
overthrown by U.S. backed forces.
(7) Another/New
Brown man --- Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva, President of Brazil (2003-)